报告题目: Impacts of Distributive Comparison Behavior on CSR Investments in
Supply Chains
主 讲 人:王明征
报告地点:腾讯会议 554-701-696
In this paper, we explore how a firm’s concern about profit distribution and the size of downstream firms in supply chains affect corporate social responsibility (CSR) investment strategy. Distributive comparison behavior plays an important role in supply chain decisions. However, little research has analyzed its impacts on the CSR investment strategy. Furthermore, previous CSR research has mainly focused on CSR problems faced by large downstream firms, whereas there is a strong need to understand the role of small firms in CSR. In this paper, we compare this supply chain with the one without distributive comparison behavior, and define the manufacturer with weak bargaining power or low efficiency to reduce CSR violations as the small manufacturer. When advantageous inequality occurs, or when neither inequality occurs and the manufacturer’s sensitivity to the supplier’s profit is low, his distributive comparison behavior makes the manufacturer less (resp. supplier more) likely to invest in CSR, which we call negative (resp. positive) impacts of distributive comparison behavior; otherwise, it makes the manufacturer more (resp. supplier less) likely to invest. In most cases, the weak bargaining power of the small manufacturer leads to larger positive or smaller negative impacts of distributive comparison behavior. Also, the low efficiency to reduce CSR violations through the small manufacturer’s CSR investment leads to smaller negative impacts of distributive comparison behavior.
王明征,现为浙江大学管理学院教授,兼任数据科学与管理工程学系副系主任。同时担任 西藏自治区电子商务建设特聘专家、中国双法研究会网络科学分会副理事长、中国系统工程学会物流系统工程专业委员会副秘书长、《管理工程学报》决策科学专题负责人和 国家自然科学基金委重点项目负责人。主要的研究兴趣是 可持续供应链管理、新零售模式运营管理、平台运营管理、数据驱动决策、大数据分析与统计优化、智能物流优化模型与算法、商业分析与决策智能。取得的研究成果已经部分地发表在Operations Research、Manufactural and Service Operations Management、INFORMS Journal on Computing、IEEE Transactions on Automatics Control、EJOR、IJPE、TRE、IEEE Transactions SMC-S等国内外著名期刊上。基于取得的成果,近几年来作为项目负责人主持1项国家自然科学基金委重点项目和4项国家自然科学基金委面上和青年项目,作为骨干成员参加国家科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金委科研创新群体、国家自然科学基金委重点项目、国际合作交流项目重大项目和国家高科技研究计划(863项目)等十多项。目前正在主持一项国家自然科学基金委重点项目《新零售模式的运营管理理论与方法》。同时面向国家和企业的重大需求,与京东物流、阿里巴巴盒马鲜生以及海尔卡奥斯合作,结合企业的业务和数据,利用数据和模型双轮驱动的方法,解决企业运营管理难题。