Mechatronics for Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities
报 告 人:Shane Xie (谢胜泉) 院士(英国利兹大学)
邀 请 人:陈小奇 院士
线上会议ID:腾讯会议 724-794-598
Stroke and neurological diseases have significant impact to our society, this talk will discuss the key enabling technologies for a novel rehabilitation devices for effective stroke treatment in residential settings. The key technologies to be introduced include neuroscience, robotics, artificial intelligence and control strategies. The devices are reconfigurable, tailored to meet patients’ needs, deliver effective diagnosis and personalized treatment, and are monitored remotely by a rehabilitation therapist. A new soft, sheet-like, reactive actuator with muscle-like properties: Peano muscle, will be presented first, followed by an automatic assessment system based on multi-modal sensors. Then a two-mode control strategy (“therapist-in-charge” and “patient-in-the-loop”) will be introduced to maximize the long-term training performance while reducing the involved time of therapists. An evaluation procedure and pilot study will also be designed to assess the clinical treatment capabilities of the proposed exoskeleton, along with reliability, usability, and portability in residential settings.
Shane Xie,英国利兹大学机器人与自动化首席教授,机电一体化与机器人专业主任,新西兰工程院院士,科技部高端外国专家,上海市高端外国专家,湖北省楚天学者等。IEEE/ASME 机电一体化与嵌入式系统应用(MESA)国际会议组委会主席、IEEE/ASME 先进智能机电一体化(AIM)国际会议组委会主席、顶级学术期刊 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 副主编(Technical Editor)、Mechatronics 副主编(Associate Editor)、IJBBR、IJMMS、IJAMS、IJMIM 等国际期刊的主编或副主编。谢胜泉院士开辟了医疗康复机器人的人机交互新领域,首次提出了断裂骨骼的分析方法,发展了可穿戴智能康复机器人的设计和控制理论。