主 讲 人:香港城市大学 王乐助理教授
讲授地点:腾讯会议号:762 8057 3033
联 系 人:冯老师 87111647
The increasing reliance in our information age on product and process digitization and e-governance makes us progressively more interested in artificial intelligence, big data analytics, fintech, etc., which are all topics of Information Systems research. Contemporary approaches to understanding the domain of Information Systems interface a multi-disciplinary perspective and adopt different methodologies. This workshop covers the foundations of Information Systems research covering an overview of the Information Systems field and introduces the basics of research in Information Systems. The specific topics for each class are as follows:
Class 1: Research terminologies and how to find a research topic
Class 2: Literature review and how to review a journal paper
Class 3: Predictive analytics and behavioral research
Class 4: Analytical modeling and econometrics
王乐博士,香港城市大学信息系统系助理教授,博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学。他的主要研究兴趣为电子健康和数字化平台,研究成果发表在Nature Communications, Computers in Human Behavior等知名期刊上,另有多篇论文在顶级期刊审稿中。他现在担任Journal of the Association for Information Systems和ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems等期刊的常驻审稿人。