邀 请 人:邓远富教授、曾强教授
Zoom会议号:890 1530 2249 Zoom passcode: 177619
报告主题1:Development of New Materials for Next Generation Rechargeable Batteries
报告人:Prof. Jiazhao Wang(Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, 澳大利亚卧龙岗大学)
Lithium-sulfur batteries have attracted considerable interest due to their high specific capacity (1675 mAh g-1), natural abundance and low cost. Its low active material utilization, however, and poor cycle life are obstructing the application of Li-S batteries. In order to solve these problems, carbon materials and conducting polymers have been studied as the conductive additives by our group for Li-S batteries. A Li–air battery could reach an energy density 3–4 times higher than state-of-the-art Li-ion cells at the cell level. Research on the Li-air battery, however, is currently still in the early stages of understanding the basic scientific principles and mechanisms, and there are significant technical challenges confronting the development of advanced materials for Li-air batteries. Co3O4, Ru-based and Pd-based composite materials have been investigated in our group!
Jiazhao Wang is a Professor at the Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials (ISEM), University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia. She obtained her PhD from the University of Wollongong in 2003. She initiated, led and carried out 30 research projects, of which 25 are the most competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) Projects. She has successfully managed and completed eight ARC Projects as a team leader. Her research focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of new materials for energy applications, including lithium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, lithium-air batteries, and sodium-ion batteries. Professor Wang has published 8 review articles and more than 250 refereed papers (cited >23000 times, H-index = 85).
报告主题2:Materials Chemistry for Photovoltaics and Electrical Energy Storage
报告人:Prof. Neil Robertson(英国爱丁堡大学化学系,Journal of Materials Chemistry C副主编)
Electrical energy generation and storage is becoming ever more important to address the energy crisis. This includes a range of imperatives, from the decarbonisaton of mass power generation through solar photovoltaics, to indoor light harvesting to power the “internet-of-things” that can link billions of smart sensors in homes, offices, cities and factories for more efficient energy usage. In this context, the presentation will discuss our recent work on photovoltaic cells, supercapacitors and batteries fabricated from low-cost, abundant materials using simple processes. In particular, the potential application of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSCs) for indoor light harvesting will be highlighted, with ideal properties and power-conversion efficiencies of up around 30%. Alongside this, the development of battery and supercapacitor anode materials based on bismuth compounds will be discussed, enabling the fabrication of hybrid photovoltaic/storage devices.
Neil Robertson graduated from the University of Edinburgh and worked in FU Berlin, University of Wales and Imperial College London before returning to University of Edinburgh. He leads research on new molecular and nanomaterials for solar photovoltaics, photocatalysis, electrical energy storage materials and devices, with over 200 peer-reviewed papers in international journals. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has previously served as Elected Member of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Dalton Council and RSC Materials Chemistry Division Council, and is Associate Editor of RSC Journal of Materials Chemistry C. He is Dean International Partnerships for Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.
报告主题3:Nano-IR mapping of the local surface domains on cerium phosphate nanorods
报告人:Prof. Philip R. Davies(英国卡迪夫大学化学系,卡迪夫催化中心主任)
Photo induced force microscopy offers a unique insight into the local chemistry of surfaces providing simultaneous topographic and infrared spectroscopy at lateral resolutions better than 10 nm. We illustrate the power of this new technique with a study of the one-pot, shape selective synthesis of cerium phosphate nanorods which has been developed to give nanoparticles with aspect ratios between 3-24.8. Cerium phosphate has two well documented crystal structures: rhabdophane (hexagonal) and monazite (monoclinic) with the hexagonal form usually including structural water, (CePO4.nH2O ) and formed at low temperatures while the monoclinic form is anhydrous and formed at high temperatures. Our studies of the surface of the nanorods with Photo induced Force Microscopy show for the first time, that despite an apparent hexagonal bulk phase structure, mixed monoclinic and hexagonal domains are present in the surface layer. This information is crucial for understanding the coating of these materials but is not available with any other technique demonstrating the importance of surface sensitive, nanoscale vibrational spectroscopy in surface and nanoparticle science.
Prof. Davies received undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics from Southampton University and then carried out PhD studies in Surface Science with Professor MW Roberts in Cardiff in 1989. After that, he worked with Prof Rutger van Santen in Eindhoven using DFT to study active oxygen states on copper clusters. He was appointed to a lectureship in Cardiff in 1989 and to a personal chair in 2018. He currently is Director of the UK EPSRC National Research Facility in Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and also Director of International for the School of Chemistry at Cardiff and Deputy Director for the Cardiff Catalysis Institute. His research interests focus on the fundamental surface processes that underlie phenomena such as catalysis, corrosion and adhesion.