Strategic Management Lecture Series
报 告 人:夏波 副教授(昆士兰科技大学 土木与建筑环境系)
邀 请 人:谢琳琳 副教授(土木与交通学院 工程管理系)
(一)2022年10月12 日19:00—21:30 主题:战略与系统思维
(二)2022年10月13日19:00—21:30 主题:战略管理外部环境分析
(三)2022年10月14日19:00—21:30 主题:战略管理内部环境分析
(四)2022年10月15日14:30—17:00 主题:战略选择
报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:381 7887 9925
夏波博士现为昆士兰科技大学(Queensland University of Technology)土木与建筑环境系副教授。夏博士2003、2006年毕业于浙江大学,分获土木工程学士和工程管理硕士学位,并于2010年在香港理工大学取得博士学位,在博士期间在美国科罗拉多大学访问半年。夏波副教授主要研究领域包括工程总承包,建设管理,绿色建筑、养老地产等方面研究,曾主持和参与各项国际国内研究项目。夏波副教授科研成果突出,在国际知名期刊上发表过论文100余篇,并曾荣获多项论文发表奖项。夏波副教授目前是ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering,Advances in Civil Engineering编委,以及International Journal of Construction Management的区域编辑,与澳洲、美国,以及国内多所大学保持合作联系。
Dr Bo Xia is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Built Environment at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He graduated from Zhejiang University in 2003 and 2006 with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management, and obtained his PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2010, during which he visited the University of Colorado for six months. Dr Bo Xia’s main research areas include general contracting, construction management, green building and retirement property, and has led and participated in various international and domestic research projects. He has published more than 100 papers in internationally renowned journals and has won several awards for his research achievements. He is currently on the editorial board of ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, Advances in Civil Engineering, and the regional editor of International Journal of Construction Management, and has collaborative links with universities in Australia, the USA and China.
本讲座系列将从战略与系统思维、战略管理外部环境分析、战略管理内部环境分析、战略选择四个部分开展,具体讨论什么是组织战略(strategy),战略和系统思维(system thinking)的联系,同时具体介绍战略分析的方法和工具(外部和内部环境分析以及如何做战略选择),并且简单介绍组织战略和项目管理之间的关联。
This series of lectures will focus on strategy and systems thinking, analysis of the external environment for strategic management, analysis of the internal environment for strategic management, and strategic choices. The lectures will discuss specifically what organisational strategy is, the link between strategy and systems thinking, the methods and tools of strategic analysis (external and internal environment analysis and how to make strategic choices) and a brief introduction to the link between organisational strategy and project management.