


Dutch Water IntelligenceThe next generation hydrodynamic modelling


报告地点:腾讯会议 ID228 828 559

报 告 人:叶清华高级研究员(荷兰三角洲研究院/代尔夫特理工大学)

主 持 人:尹小玲副教授(水利工程系)











Dr. Ye, Qinghua has broad experience in the fields of sediment transport, morphology, and numerical modelling, including physical process-based modelling, numerical methods and corresponding solvers, high performance computing (HPC). He recently worked on projects on Building with Nature, where he developed an integrated tool considering the interaction of wind, surface water, vegetation, wave, sediment transport and groundwater for wetland systems.

He is also one of the developers of the world-leading 3D/2D modelling suite, Delft3D for integral water solutions. His PhD research focused on an integrated geomorphologic model system to study the effect of ecology/biology change on geomorphology in salt marshes and wetlands.

After a MSc degree on coastal engineering and sediment transport, he was employed in the renowned Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, China.  In 2012, Dr Ye completed his PhD in Civil Technology and Geoscience from the Delft University of Technology and UNESCO-IHE.

In addition to numerous technical reports, depicting the results of the various projects involved, Dr Ye has authored and/or co-authored many papers on mentioned subjects at international conferences and in technical journals.



数值模拟是湖泊、河流、河口和海岸等复杂水动力和水环境研究重要和基本方法。Delft3DDeltares(前身Delft Hydraulics)开发,是适用于海岸、河流、湖泊与河口水沙动力与水环境数值模拟的大型专业开源数值模拟工具,在全世界得到广泛应用。自2011年开始开发以来,Delft3D的新一代核心Delft3D Flexible Mesh灵活网格版本逐渐完善,已经在全世界180多个合作伙伴处测试应用。Delft3D Flexible Mesh,顾名思义,可以在一个模型中使用多种网格,用户可以同时在一个模型中进行一维线性、二维平面和立面以及三维计算。模型的这种灵活性可以克服单一网格解析自然界各种复杂地形边界时的缺点,同时保留原有的水流、泥沙、水质等完全集成环境,可用于各种内河、河口、海岸、近海区域的一、二、三维耦合计算。用一个模型即能模拟二维(水平或垂向)和三维的水流、波浪、盐度、热量、污染物输移、水质、生态、泥沙输移和床底地貌,以及各个过程之间的相互作用。它是目前世界上最先进的水动力-水质模型之一,同时其高精度并行技术也得到更好的运用。其主要特征是:所有子模块都具有高度的整合性和互操作性;能直接应用最新物理、化学、生物过程;图形用户界面(GUI)也更为友好。目前,该软件在全世界得到了广泛的应用和测试,在研究地形演变、咸潮上溯、环境评估、航道整治、洪水演进、城市水管理、河湖治理等诸多方面获得了令人满意的成果。






Numerical simulation becomes an essential and fundamental technique to study complex hydrodynamic and hydro-environment in lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastal zones. Delft3D is an open-source software system, developed by Deltares for a few decades and has been the world's most widely used computational engines. From 2012, the next generation Delft3D computational kernel Delft3D Flexible Mesh has been under development. Till today it has been applied by more than 180 partners worldwide. Delft3D FM is a shallow-water flow solver, based on the finite-volume method on unstructured grids. The method is suitable for flows that occur in rivers, channels, sewer systems (1D), shallow seas, rivers, overland flow (2D), and estuaries, lakes and shelf breaks (3D). It is the most advanced computational kernel integrating hydrodynamic, wave, water quality, sediment transport and morphology change modelling. A modernized GIS based GUI helps model applicability. Parallelization and high-performance computing techniques have been applied.

In this presentation, we will start firstly over the fundamental physical processes, governing equation and numerical methods; Secondly, a few validation results will be shown about mass conservation, momentum conservation, grid convergence, numerical accuracy, subgrid scale processes and parallel performance; Lastly a few special modules, e.g. data assimilation, ship-induced waves, pollutant dispersion and applications will be discussed.


