关于举行丹麦奥尔堡大学Bai Shaoping教授学术报告会的通知


报告题目Research and innovation of wearable technologies for human motion assistance

报 告 人Bai Shaoping教授










Prof. Shaoping Bai is a full professor at the Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University AAU, Denmark and the founder of AAU startup BioX ApS. His research interests include wearable sensors, medical and assistive robots, and exoskeletons. He leads several national and international research projects in exoskeletons, including EU AXO-SUIT and IFD Grand Solutions project EXO-AIDER, and Danish Independent Research Council project VIEXO, among others. He is a recipient of IEEE  CIS-RAM 2017 Best Paper Award, IFToMM MEDER 2018 Best Application Paper Award, WearRAcon2018 Grand Prize of Innovation Challenges, and 2023  IFToMM MESROB Best Student Paper Award.  Prof. Bai was an associate editor of ASME J. of Mechanisms and Robotics IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and MDPI Machines. He serves as an Executive Council member of the IFToMM and also a deputy chair of IFToMM Denmark.

Bai Shaoping教授是丹麦奥尔堡大学(Aalborg University,简称AAU)材料与制造系的正教授,也是AAU初创企业BioX ApS的创始人。他的研究兴趣包括可穿戴传感器、医疗和辅助机器人以及外骨骼。他领导多个国家和国际级的外骨骼研究项目,包括欧盟AXO-SUIT项目、IFD Grand Solutions项目EXO-AIDER以及丹麦独立研究委员会项目VIEXO等。他是IEEE CIS-RAM 2017最佳论文奖、IFToMM MEDER 2018最佳应用论文奖、WearRAcon2018创新挑战大奖以及2023IFToMM MESROB最佳学生论文奖的获得者。白教授曾是ASME J. of Mechanisms and RoboticsIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters以及MDPI Machines的副主编。他还担任国际机构IFToMM的执行委员会成员,同时是IFToMM丹麦分会的副主席。



This talk will provide a brief overview of wearable technology development at the Exoskeleton Lab, AAU, addressing research challenges in assistive exoskeletons and wearable sensors.  Fundamental research issues including innovative mechanism design, physical human-exoskeleton interaction, sensing and control, and performance assessment will be covered. Novel designs and sensing methods will be presented. Systems of upper-body and lower-body exoskeletons developed for rehabilitation and workplace assistance will be outlined.  In addition, a case of innovation of a wearable sensor for general human-robot interfacing is introduced.



